Lee, Parent/Youth Pastor, Grace Outreach Ministry—Tippecanoe, IN >
I didn’t realize the indifference in my daughter until something changed. It wasn’t that she disliked others, but she didn’t really know about their existence and struggles. It was only theory.
I used to wonder, “Is my child ready for this… what if a camper asks about the gospel? How will she respond? Have I properly prepared her to serve?” It helped me realize that someday, she is going to be on her own and I need to make sure she is prepared to answer things like that!
I was able to see the love she came home with! She loved the campers in her group and couldn’t wait to tell us about them! She showed us her group picture and told us all of their names, personalities, and stories. It’s a heart changing moment!
Vivian, Student — eLKHART, in >
I didn’t use to be comfortable sharing my faith or teaching. I was nervous and I felt like I had no idea what I was doing. After serving at Camp Ray Bird I’m more confident about sharing my faith with others and I'm more inclined to teach someone when they don't understand certain things or topics.
I learn new things every summer about myself and God, and you always create friendships that you will never forget. Some of my best memories are from serving at camp.
Ashley, Student Ministry Leader, Liberty Bible Church - Valparaiso, IN >
When the week was over, during debrief, one of our students shared that he was able to speak with one of his campers about his own testimony and was able to pray with this camper as he accepted Christ. This experience changed our student. After this, he showed a significant amount of growth in the way that he carried himself, interacted with others, and his development of exceptional leadership skills. His small group leader at church also shared with me how much he has grown since coming back from his week of service at CRB.
Jill, Parent—Elkhart, IN >
After serving at camp our girls realized the needs of others more, they also recognized some of the things they take for granted at home. They seemed to have a softer heart toward those who are from unstable and low-income homes.
This was a great opportunity for our kids to give of themselves for the benefit of others. Serving a week at Camp Ray Bird produced more fruit in the lives of our children than a week of Bible camp that primarily centered on them. Less of a financial burden and a better result!
Tyler, Youth Pastor, Gospel City Church — Granger, IN >
Most of our kids never interacted with at risk children or under resourced children. They had no idea of the way people do life in another part of the city. I think they knew of the existence of these kids but assumed they were only in Detroit, or south Chicago etc., not in their own backyard.
At Camp Ray Bird they gained a perspective on the challenges facing many in our own city that are less than 20 minute drive away. The week was tough, but our kids gained a heart for under-resourced kids and all of them grew closer together and in their own walk.
My goals for student ministry are for my kids to own their faith, to live on mission, and to grow in spiritual maturity. These things happen at Camp Ray Bird!
Karna, Chaperone and Parent — Valparaiso, IN >
The training session alone is life-changing. But the rest of the week is a practical working out of all the training in Godly love and discipline. It is one of the best "short term mission trips" I have ever seen.