Grow Spiritually
Learn to Lead
Share the Gospel
It’s stressful trying to find a summer job that you can feel great about. You need one that pays the bills, but you also want to love where you work, gain real experience for your future, and make difference in people’s lives. Finding an opportunity like that seems impossible.
Joining staff with Camp Ray Bird means you can be confident that your summer job is focused on all the right things. Summer after summer, our team says they get to work on God’s mission, all while earning a paycheck.

Savannah / 2 YRS / sEC eD mAJOR
What they said >
Finding a summer job felt stressful. I didn't want to be bored because my job wasn't challenging or interesting. When I heard about Camp Ray Bird, I felt like this was the job I needed to have.
My heart grew more passionate about teaching and serving kids in communities that suffer from poverty. My spirituality came out of its slumber. It helped me learn how to recognize when kids are withdrawing and how to create a sense of community.
Hands down one of the most fun summers I have ever had. Think back to when you were in Jr. High, what did you need from the role model figures in your life? Is that someone God is calling you to be? In the same way Jesus gathered the children to him, I would challenge you to do the same.
Matt / 3 YEARS / ENgr Major
What they said >
I knew I needed something that would test my leadership abilities, but I was nervous. The staff were encouraging and helped me learn how to do my job well.
The greatest gift camp gave me was the ability to articulate the gospel. I gained leadership abilities like how to give meaningful feedback, skills for clear communication, and how to resolve conflict. I learned a lot from watching the leaders over me.
My years at CRB were among the most formative of my life. It wasn’t always easy or fun—but it was always worth it.
Mitch / 2 yrs / wrld mission Major
What they said >
I felt a part of the team. It opened my eyes to the difficulties that inner city children face. My ability to hold off judgment grew significantly. A pattern of morning prayer and orientation for the day was engrained in me and carried on after the summer. This was the first time I really saw myself as responsible for sharing the Gospel. I gained leadership skills, grew in my dependence on God, and grew my heart for children. The experience gave me some of the most faithful, gospel-centered and missional friends that I’ve ever had. Learning from the leadership at CRB was a great privilege.
A summer at CRB will be a summer you’ll never forget. It will send ripple effects into the rest of your life. You’ll grow in your leadership ability and your confidence in yourself.
Jeremy / 2 Yrs / ENGR Major
What they said >
A normal summer of playing football wasn’t what I was supposed to do, but I was anxious because of expectations from my friends and coaches. I had heard Camp Ray Bird was a place where growth and discipleship happens in big ways and that sounded exactly like what I needed. I also loved the idea of spending so much time outdoors and being active.
My spirituality became much more real. I became more compassionate for those who live a different life than me. It was so easy before to write someone off just because our differences. My confidence in who I am skyrocketed. I became much more enthusiastic about my life because I felt a purpose in what I was doing. I also gained many problem solving and conflict resolution skills while working with people from so many different backgrounds.
I have never once regretted any of the time I have spent there. Take time to pray about it. Discuss it with a mentor. CRB is the place to be.
Kaylyn / 1 yr / youth min major
What they said >
I wanted a job that was going to be the right fit for my passions as well as something that would challenge and bless me. But finding a job like that was frustrating. I felt restless because I was so unsure of what was going to come next.
Even though it’s messy, after being on staff, my heart for life-on-life ministry really grew. I felt so valued by others every week and that really helped me to let go of some of my own bitterness from past hurts.
I use to think I could never be used to truly make a difference. But then I saw the Lord use me in unexpected ways at Ray Bird. Helping campers overcome fears, sharing Christ, and witnessing campers giving their lives to Him. I was stretched to seek the Lord in his Word on a more committed basis. I developed problem solving skills, learned how to prepare and teach a Bible study, how to handle difficult conversations, and became a better manager of my time.
This job is a challenge and no amount of training can prepare you for the blood, sweat, and tears that will come, but seeing the joy, hope and love in kid’s eyes makes every tough moment worth it. Dive in and give it your all. You’ll be better for it.
Christopher / 2 YRS / BIB LIT MAJOR
What they said >
I had heard about CRB from my youth pastor knew it was my aim to be there. I was sad to leave my old job but I also felt excited to embark on new experiences and opportunities.
I already had a soft heart and empathy for others, but working at CRB expanded that immensely. My spirituality grew through quiet times, Bible study, and conversations. It reinforced the reality that life is not about me and my comfort.
Since my time on staff I’ve been able to apply things I’ve learned—resilience, problem solving, conflict management and resolution, assessing group dynamics, basic counseling and emotional first aid, lesson planning and teaching, public speaking, and time management. But the long term benefits of gaining skills and experiences are merely cream. You’re there to show the kids that Jesus loves them. The impact that makes is reason enough to be there.
You will make little money and you will be tired, but it will probably be the most rewarding summer of your entire life. Do it. Absolutely do it.

Grow Spiritually
Grow with your teammates in a closer relationship with Jesus. Weekly bible study. Daily devotionals. Support from summer leadership. And don’t forget: serving together on a mission for God.
Learn to Lead
The best leaders are those who serve and add value to others. You’ll learn skills on exactly how to do this and get to practice every week. Your confidence will grow as you see how much of an impact you can make for others.
Share the Gospel
Being on staff at Camp Ray Bird crosses cultural and socio-economic lines. Building relationships and coming to value others’ experience is key. Discover a passion for sharing Jesus with others, and grow in your personal understanding, too.